What Do THEY Want?


“Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!”

— L. Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz

It would be easy to demonize the BigFour, heap vitriol on them and ascribe evil motives for their behavior, but would it be accurate? In any species, there are two currents: the conservative current and the creative current. To quote Susan Pitcairn, an artist and a direct descendant of the US founding father, President John Adams,

“Life is a creative journey. Each day, each moment, each thought and each act is an opportunity for creative expression. We are all actors in this vast cosmic play and together we are co-creating this very complex thing called human life on Earth…

In every species, there are two currents: one is the conservative current that keeps the ball rolling, that keeps the farms going, that keeps the garbage picked up and keeps the families together. The others are the creative explorers and the innovators who become the cutting edge of evolution. As we know, these two forces often clash and yet, we need them both. Life is a dance between them, but this is not us versus them. Each of us has both these forces. We have the ability to keep plugging on, to pay the bills, to get the job done, and we each have the spark of the creative that drives us to try new things, to evolve.”

We need both the creative and conservative currents to evolve. If there is no conservative current, the creative current won’t have a base to explore from. The BigFour spearhead the conservative side of humanity which has kept the Caterpillar well-fed and now satiated. Even in the cocoon, the Caterpillar faces this choice between the creative and conservative currents: evolve into a Butterfly or die. Humanity faces the same choice today: evolve into its Butterfly phase or go extinct.

The actions of the BigFour also make perfect sense from that perspective. Put yourself in their shoes.

“Don’t rock the boat!”

If you are in a leaky, disintegrating canoe and you are far away from the nearest shore, isn’t it rational to sit still?

“Don’t move a muscle!”

Any sudden movement might result in the canoe falling apart, with everyone plunging into the swirling waters. Instead, you prefer that the canoe disintegrate slowly on its own. Besides, you happen to be holding onto the front, which promises to be the biggest piece of driftwood from the disintegrating canoe. Therefore, an orderly disintegration is more advantageous to you than a free-for-all plunge.

Jodie Foster: “One of the ways that the financial world has been able to orchestrate the power that they have is by making it all so complicated that regular people can’t understand it. They created the impenetrable rules, they created the system that is impossible to understand so that they can benefit from that misunderstanding.”

Ben Manckiewicz: “Right. Something that is impossible to understand is almost impossible to change.”

Jodie Foster: “And there are a few people who have the keys to that and they are benefiting the most financially.”

What if Jodie Foster is giving the BigFour “financial wizards” too much credit? What if THEY really don’t have the “keys” to the financial system? The trouble with nonlinear feedback systems is that they are usually impossible to understand without accurate models. Our global financial system is so byzantine, with all sorts of historical barnacles hanging on to it, that it is doubtful that there is any model which can accurately predict its behavior. As such, the so-called financial wizards who “understand the system” are most likely just frightened real-life Wizards of Oz!

True, they may have started down this path, lusting for power. There is an apocryphal saying attributed to the House of Rothschilds,

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”

Such is the concentration of power afforded by the central control of money. Over time, the Rothschild progeny and a few others did indeed manage to wrest control of the world’s monetary systems. The Georgetown historian, Carroll Quigley, described their plan in 1966,

“The powers of financial capitalism had a far reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole… Their secret is that they have annexed from governments, monarchies, and republics the power to create the world’s money.”

As the economist, Thomas Greco, Jr., explained,

“The entire machinery of money and banking has been contrived to centralize power and concentrate wealth… Money is undemocratic as it concentrates power in the hands of a few unelected people who are unresponsive to the needs of the people.”

Such centralized control of the monetary system was perfect for our Caterpillar phase as it led to the rapid development of the world’s military and technological capabilities over the past century.  Now, these few unelected people, the voting shareholders of the BigFour financial holding companies, are probably wishing that they didn’t have all that power. They are probably like the proverbial kid who catches a tiger by his tail and then desperately darts from side to side, trying to avoid his snapping jaws.

What if the BigFour elites are hanging on to the disintegrating canoe for dear life? It’s fear that drives the socioeconomic system of the Caterpillar, specifically, the fear of the loss of the known.

So, What Do THEY Want?

Our best guess is that THEY want relief. THEY are tired of being the caretakers of this disintegrating canoe. They are tired of being the Generals directing humanity’s centuries-long War on Nature, which Nature is now handily winning. They would rather surrender and make peace with Nature, but they don’t know how.

Let’s help them out, shall we?

What Can We Do About It?
Who Are THEY?
Sailesh Rao
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